A chase through the woods
A chase through the woods

a chase through the woods

Sadeen, he'll be in the Nomad Village during the Rainy Season on the Giza Plains. This can be completed after the events at the Tomb of King Raithwall and the Shiva airship, once the team arrives back at the city of Rabanastre. Hunt 11: A Ring in the Rain (Croakadile - Rank II) You will also receive an Errmonea Leaf which can be taken to Lesina in the Giza Plains during the Dry season and traded for two Remedies. Return to Low-Chief Sugumu when the Enkelados is dead. If it's a tad difficult, use Belias or Quickenings. This is a straightforward fight and doesn't need much explanation in terms of tactics.

  • Weaknesses : Wind-Magick does 200% damage.
  • Steal: Potion, Earth Magicite, Slaven Harness.
  • Ensure that the rare enemies Bull Croc and Aeros haven't spawned, or try not to take them on at the same time. Leave the area, and then return to find him on the lower ledge. Head down the ramp and defeat all of the Wu enemies. Low-Chief Sugumu who can be found in Jahara on the Elderknoll.

    A chase through the woods